Let me share with you a job that does not need a work experience, a College degree, age limit, and any special skills for a particular job. And just requires you to work at home for a few hours or as it can be 1 hour everyday..All you need is hard work just a simple as that...And let me ask you one question...
Do you want to earn money by just clicking Advertisements online?...
And earn $100 every month by just staying at home while sitting in front of your computer without spending money from your pocket..... of course who wouldn't like?...
Then i will show you my ways to earn money online,..just follow my simple steps and everything would be in good place..

The first thing you need to do is to have a computer and internet. And an Alerpay account or Paypal account... This serve as your Bank online and is where your sponsor will pay you whenever you click advertisements online.... Here are the banners of Alertpay and Paypal just click it and sign up for free...
Then sign up in these legit and trusted PTC (Pay To Click) sites. These websites pay/give you to view small Ads on their site $0.01 or sometimes $0.010 & $0.015 that depends for every 30 seconds advertisement that you watch. The payment is done via PayPal/AlertPay when you reach their minimum payment limit $1/$2/$10 each site hasdifferent payout limit. .
And here are the legit & trusted PTC sites that surely will pay you, just click this banner and will direct you to their websites:

And that's it!... then start earning money buy just clicking advertisements!....
Can you imagine how simple is that....
Hurry up! what are you waiting for just grab the opportunity while surfing the internet at